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PF Return Filing



    PF Return Filing

    In India, PF registration is mandatory for employers who have more than 20 employees in their organization. The contributions for Provident Fund are made both by the employer and the employee every month. EPF expert team of Indiabizfiling will help you to file error-free EPF return before meet the due date.

    PF return filing for employer is compulsory if:-
    • Annual returns of PF is a must and it has to be filed by the 30th of April every year.
    • Form 3A and Form 6A are the two forms used to file annual Provident Fund return.

    Due date for Filing PF Returns:

    • The due date for Monthly Challan remittance to Bank for PF is 15th of Every Month
    • The due date for Monthly PF returns is 25th of Every Month
    • The due date for yearly returns is 30th April every year.


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