Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Rs. 1199 only


Society Registration

  • A full consultation to understand your requirement and to explain you the process from end to end
  • All the paperwork needed to apply for a society registration, we will keep you informed about the entire process and progress

Original price was: ₹20,000.00.Current price is: ₹14,000.00.


    Society Registration

    A society is an organization in which a group of individuals with similar interest come together to perform some functions. The said societies are governed by the Societies Registration Act of 1860 and the said act is amended by the respective states. The societies are registered and governed as per the said act. Registration of society is required to promote the fine arts, science, literature, or knowledge sharing for a purposeful matter or for charity. On the other hand, society is also formed for the maintenance of a residential or commercial complex or for creating the Apartment Association.

    Online Society Registration – Detailed Process As Per The Act

    For registering a society, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

    • Members: Minimum of seven members for a state society and a minimum of eight members from eight different states (one in Delhi) is compulsory
    • Jurisdiction: Where the registered office of the society is situated. Before the District Registrar in the particular area. For example, Charity Commissioner in Maharashtra.
    • Governing Act: The societies are governed by the Societies Registration Act of 1986.
    • Property management: The property of the society vests in the name of the society and the same can be sold as per the terms mentioned in the bye-laws of the society. (e.g., approval from the Executive Committee Member)
    • Governing Act: The societies are governed by the Societies Registration Act of 1986.
    • Dissolution or closure: Dissolution as per the bye-laws of the society, upon dissolution and after settlement of all debts and liabilities, the funds and property of the society may not be distributed among the members of the society, rather, the remaining funds and property must be given or transferred to some other society, preferably one with similar objects.
    • Board: Executive Committee(President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer), General Body (All members)
    • Annual compliance: Societies must file annually, with the Registrar of Societies, a list of the names, addresses and occupations of their managing committee members.

    Applicability of tax exemption

    There is a general notion that society need not pay tax as they work towards the welfare of the public at large. But this is not true. A society, like any other legal entity, is liable to pay tax. In order to be exempted from tax, a society is required to obtain certification for the said exemptions such as Section 12 A, 80G etc. from the income tax authorities

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