Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Rs. 1199 only

SKU: DSC Organization Category:

Class 3 DSC for Company / Organization

Class III Digital signature (Individual) with 2 years validity and secure USB token.

About this item

  • ePass 2003 USB Encrypted Token
  • 2 Year Digital Signature



    Class 3 DSC for Company/Organization

    A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a cryptographically secure key issued by certifying authorities (CAs) to validate and verify the identity of the person who holds this certificate. DSCs are predominantly issued and utilized when businesses need to digitally sign documents online, securely authenticate the Signature, and validate the signed copy.

    DSC is a statutory requirement for submitting various forms to the Government of India. DSC uses public-key encryption for the creation of a signature. A digital signature certificate will be embedded in electronic documents, emails, and other digitally transmitted documents. These signatures provide and enhance security using encryption technology.

    Class 3 DSC is valid for companies, NGOs, trusts, government departments, and organizations. IndiaBizFiling can help you obtain an  Class 3 Digital Signature certificate in India with two-year validity and a secure USB token.

    DSC will be issued in the Company’s name; this proves the user’s right on behalf of a company and contains personal and Company details. Class 3 DSC for Company is issued to authorize the signatory of any company.


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